Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Weeks Married

Chris and I have been married for 2 weeks and 1 day. Fun. On this day at this time 2 weeks ago we were packing up to leave the presidential suite at the Chateau Saint John. So pretty!!! And then we went back to my parents house for brunch and present unwrapping. So fun!!! Shortly after we began our excellent adventure and honeymoon!!! Starting with Treego!

What a weird thing to do on your first full day of marriage. But we had fun!!! And I barely whined at all. :) But I was too tired afterward to go anywhere fancy for dinner. So we drove 3 minutes to the Superstore and picked up sushi.

Back at work all I can think about it how much fun I was having 2 weeks ago. But it feels more like some distant past. I need another vacation.

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