Monday, February 22, 2010


Today I checked my email and the Knot told me I have exactly 4 months until my wedding day. 4 months doesn't really seem like a long time. Especially since I have yet to pick out my wedding dress. I am thinking I'll end up paying an extra $50 for express shipping. Thank goodness for express shipping!

Oh well, this weekend we crossed off another caterer. Picky! :) After I get back from my quick trip to Alberta I'll start worrying about the wedding. I'm trying to figure out if I can convince Chris to let Asia walk him down the isle. Maybe that can be my goal for the week. Since he can't get away from me on vacation I can annoying him the way Bart and Lisa Simpson annoy Homer so they can go to Duffland. "Chris, Asia should be in the wedding." again and again.....

1 comment:

  1. OK I love you but I side with Chris.... no puppy at the the wedding...ha...My first post!
