Friday, April 30, 2010


Wedding Invitations are going out this weekend!!

Very cool.

The wedding to-do list finally has a few more check marks. Looks like the whole event might come together. However with a minister, a dress, some wine and the cupcakes all lined up I am pretty sure we have the makings of a wedding. It's just the extras that need to be taken care of, like what the groom is wearing. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Possible decor

These are some home made pom poms that were made for Chris's 30th birthday. Marcelle and I were practicing for the wedding.

I think with some practice they could look really pretty.

This is what they are supposed to look like:

These are from PomLove on Etsy.

I don't think we were too far off. But my round edge ones weren't nearly as pretty as these ones.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rainy day

Hmmm, no new posts for weeks now. That means it's been weeks since I've done anything. Eep.

Well, today I was readying a website that tells me rain on my wedding day is good luck. Since the historical forecast of June 22 says it often rains on that day I kind of felt like we should have a back up plan. Therefore the wedding may very well be 'BYOU', Bring Your Own Umbrella. And if it predicts rain I will be headed to Market Square to buy one of those fancy umbrellas they display but always feel a little to extravagant to buy.

But look at this pretty picture of a rainy day bride. Isn't she cute with her umbrella and rubber boots?

Photo's from Kiss The Groom.

Sorry, couldn't just copy the one I wanted.